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42. I’m off !!!

I’m off !!! Hi !  Today I set off on my journey to South Korea along with the other 50,000 scouts from across the world.  After packing and training and more preparing it was finally the day that we had been waiting for.  We arrived at Wilberforce and set up everything and got all our bags sorted and ready to go. We were cooked hot dogs and pasta and before we knew it we were off !!! The big coach came at around 12:15 am and it took us around 2 hours to get the Heathrow. We then had to wait until around 6 for the airport staff be ready for us.  We went through security and went through to the other side. After about an hour we left and went for the plane. We had to change air lines at Warsaw as it was not a direct flight. This was my first time ever on a plane and I thought it was amazing.  We than went round the place at Warsaw until we eventually had to get on the plane for South Korea ! This plane was a lot bigger and had our own entertainment systems. To be honest the food was mid

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